Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Remember when my canine Ma Carrleigh had us nine rascals? It all seems like a blur........
All nine of us went from being snug as bugs in a rug to traveling all over the USA and Canada...I feel as though I was the most fortunate since I got to travel with my brother, Ruarai and Aunt Lilly Bug too! My sister Lady Victoria was already in NY.......and oh what a lovely lady she is...not like me, the perpetual TOMBOY!
I had to remind Ma what a very special day it was and still is ~ our peeps became an extended family , and with a little luck, they will be horsin' around with us soon!!!
Monday, April 30, 2012
You Have To Do Whaaaaat?
a new way to blog......oh no....we are so far behind........we're not even sure how to use this...and we have a lot to talk about, being gone so long!
We can't figure out how to preview, how to save, how to insert a picture form a phone....this make my head hurt! On top of everything else, we can't figure out how to access our dashboard!
It's all scary stuff and makes us want to run and hide!
Well I guess that's it though..no more laying around, watching life as it passes us by....it's time to sit up and pay attention!
We had even forgotten that it's been THREE YEARS since we started our blog..........and back then we knew NOTHING about blogging....now we just know, next to nothing.........
Try and bear with us , as we once again try and get back on track.....we can see where we got off track, and are gonna do our best to get our footing right again!
Friday, March 2, 2012
I Wanna Be Free.........
.........like the bluebirds flying by me,
..like the waves out on the blue sea,
if your love has to tie me, don't try me say goodbye.
I wanna be free, don't say you love me... say you like me, but when I need you beside me.....
...stay close enough......to guide me, confide in me..
I wanna hold your hand, walk along the sand, laughing in the sun, always having fun, doing all those things, without anything to tie me down.
I wanna be free, like the warm September wind babe, say you'll always be my friend babe..
.....we can make it to the end babe, again babe I've gotta say......
I wanna be free..........
Rest in peace now Davyyou are free now....you are riding on the wind with the angels now,.......... we will all miss you so very much....and for now there are only Shades of Gray
I Wanna Be Free:
song lyrics by Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
One Year Ago..............

It's so very hard to believe that you have been gone a year...........we all miss you so very much......working in the garden, feeding the birds, dreaming, sipping tea........and most of all how you loved all of God's creation.
It is so difficult to go on, and even more difficult to try and celebrate Angus' birthday on the same day........so we know celebrate life.....yours, Gussy dogs, and especially Becky, who loved you instantly.
We can all still see you holding her in your lap for hours, that very first day she came.
Rest well Deb.....we know that you are gardening with the angels now for sure!
Monday, February 27, 2012
"For he's a jolly good fellow........
............for he's a jolly good fellow.......
........for he's a jolly good fellow....
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Gussie Plays The Blues.....

and now...............

............and do you know why? Well I'll tell you...That little guy

We are so lucky because we are blessed to still have him.....because while his health is not great ( we suspect Cushings Disease as of today), it could have been worse...the news could have been very bad....but it wasn't and now this little guy deserves a PAWTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
So here is the plan....we decided that since it is Academy Award Night, what better reason to don costumes and celebrate a dog's life....to celebrate several lives...for one who is so close to our hearts, and for one who we now celebrate in Spirit.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
For My Valentine..........
"Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects

always hopes,

always perseveres.

Love never fails.1 Corinthians 13:4"